Well its been a month since I really ramped up this endeavor. Is this social media promoting working? Accounting for overlaps, 80+ people have made a connection back to me. I think its conservative to speculate that less than 1/16th of those people are art professionals. Of those, probably none with enough clout to make anything happen. Non-connections exposure I’m sure are in the thousands, simply because the way instagram works.
Most of my site visits are facebook likes, but considering my number of followers on tumblr, those acquisitions are far more impressive / although lower in number/ As I’m writing this, 10 twitter followers thanks @Manhattanpeachy.
My first observations still hold true. Posting is like yelling hashtags in crowded rooms.
The reason for this spring in to social networking was not to get ‘know’ or popularity. It was about gaining back my google position on my name. I’ve gained position for http://www.patrickdew.com, although not where it was. And my twitter account and facebook page have trumped and bumped others. I needed and still net massive amounts of people for ‘the serial’
58 instagram post resulting 28 followers.
143 tweets, resulting in 9 followers.
80+ post on facebook, 72 page likes.
50+ posts on google plus, 1 follower.
80+ Tumblr posts, 12 followers
5+ WordPress posts, 5 followers
Just added Medium today